Tag Archives: oboe

Reed and Embouchure Strength

    • The harder the reed the sharper it is and conversely the softer the reed the flatter it is.
    • A reed placed too high will lean sharp and too low will lean flat.
    • Reed charts – are considered a general guideline because of the perception of reed strength.
    • Mouth pieces and embouchure strength will also affect perception of reed strength.
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Is a Tune Timeless?

How do you tell if a tune is timeless?

That is mostly determined by the amount of times the music has been performed OR purchased.   Check out our pre-owned sheet music.   You will find many music standards.
You may also discover a masterpiece that has been overlooked throughout history.

Here is your chance to make a difference in history and choose the lesser known piece.
Add one of the “unknowns” to your next concert repertoire.

Box7-31 Box7-31Box7-31a

Mozart provides a standard piece of repertoire for oboe study and recitals.

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This is an arrangement of music written between 1603–1625 arranged for Woodwind Quintet.

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Here is a lesser known composition written by Antal Dorati in the 1983.

Purchase music from eCygnet.com directly or on eCygnet*com (eBay)
or WoodwindMedic (eBay)

The Right of “A”


A440, also known as the A above “middle C”, and further known as the note most commonly associated with 440 hertz was made the international standard for pitch decided upon in 1955 (ISO 16), and was reaffirmed by the same organization in 1975. It should also be noted that although some orchestras tune to an electronic tone that is calibrated to 440 hertz, many do not. Many orchestras are primarily concerned with whether or not they’re in tune with each other, and as such, the entire orchestra (or band) often tune to an oboe. The oboe cannot easily change its tuning, so often the other members of the orchestra to it.

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Check out this 440 (engine) purple Baracuda !
